Lemurian Way Class #1
The Lemurian Way
1st Class Oct. 17, 2020
Warm loving greetings and welcome to the first class of a series designed to assist you in using The Lemurian Way in your life. I’m Lauren O. Thyme, author of THE LEMURIAN WAY.
During these tumultuous and transformative times these teachings will be invaluable in your life because you’ll get a sense of peace, refuge from the turmoil. Not only is it valuable for that, it’s also designed to help all the helpers who have decided to take this course to fulfill their missions as clearly and compassionately as possible. I envision these exercises as a means to bring peace, renewal, while supporting conscious evolution and co-creation.
Let’s take a couple of minutes for each of us to introduce ourselves and our motivation in this work. I’ll call each person by name and unmute them. If you choose not to speak at this time, that’s fine. Has anyone not yet read THE LEMURIAN WAY?
If you speak another language, I will download this entire lecture for you which you can translate ahead of time using
English speakers – I will send you an email with the link after each class you can download to refer to later.
The classes I offer are based on the book as well as on-going material that the Lemurian Elders continue to share with me. If you don’t have the book, you can buy one from Kindle or Amazon. If you would like an autographed copy, contact me at – (only available in USA).
During the classes, you will have an opportunity to practice exercises and listen to information that the Lemurian Elders want to share with you. At the end, 45 minutes into each class, we will finish with a 15-minute group meditation located energetically at Mt. Shasta, a holy mountain in California that is one of the still-existing locations of Lemuria. At the end of each session you will have an opportunity for sharing and feedback.
Because of difficulties with my vocal cords, for which I’m getting therapy, I introduce Steve Collins as co-leader in these classes and he’ll be reading a lot of the scripts.
I charge no set fee for classes. Instead I ask three questions which I call the Universal Sliding Scale. At the end of each class you can go to Paypal ( to compensate for your class based on these questions.
What was this worth to you?
What can you afford?
What will you give me?
What is Lemuria? Lemuria existed approximately 100,000 – 150,000 years ago on a huge continent in the Pacific Ocean, during the Maya 5th Wave. Lemuria was the most spiritual place on the planet at that time. During that time, there was no duality, no hierarchy, and all people felt harmoniously connected. Due to massive tectonic activity, including earthquakes and volcanoes, most of Lemuria is now submerged.
We are now in the 9th and final wave of creation which, according to the Maya calendar interpreted by Dr. Carl Calleman, began Oct. 28, 2011. Duality has ended, while planetary unity, conscious co-creation, and a conscious connection with Creator Source prevails. The essence of Lemuria is available to us now via the 9th wave.
Unfortunately, the 6th wave is still part of our group consciousness, interfering with the 9th wave, including what Dr. Calleman calls the Hologram of Good and Evil. The 6th wave, which commenced 3111 BCE, introduced creation of civilization for the first time in human history. The 6th wave also brought in duality, hierarchy, and separation from not only our planet, also from each other.
My desire is to help with anchoring the 9th wave of unity, conscious co-creation and connection with Creator Source using The Lemurian Way in these Lemurian classes.
​​The Lemurian Way, the manner in which the Lemurians conducted their lives spiritually, with deep compassionate love, is based on Gold Light Wisdom including such concepts as unconditional love of self and others, surrender, blamelessness, defenselessness, compassion, mutual acceptance and forgiveness. The more you practice the pieces of Gold Light Wisdom, the more your life will come into harmony and you will feel peace with All There Is.
I will share these and other concepts with you each week and offer exercises to incorporate them into your life in a tangible way. What I teach is quite simple and can be practiced anytime and anywhere.
The first one I teach you today is Surrender.
The Lemurian Elders taught me a wonderful mantra that I live by and now share with you: “Everything is perfect, no matter what it looks like, for the purpose of learning, growth and evolution.”
This means that regardless of what is going on in your life or around the planet, it is part of a Divine Plan for us to learn, grow and evolve as individuals and as a group. To use this mantra when upset is a practice of surrendering to Creator Source.
Why don’t we try it now?
I invite you to think of something currently distressing you (a person, a feeling, or incident). Now say out loud 3 times while focusing on your distress:
“Everything is perfect, no matter what it looks like, for the purpose of learning, growth and evolution.” Breathe and relax.
“Everything is perfect, no matter what it looks like, for the purpose of learning, growth and evolution.” Breathe and relax.
“Everything is perfect, no matter what it looks like, for the purpose of learning, growth and evolution.” Breathe and relax..
Visualize and feel the distress fading because of this new insight.
This exercise requires regular practice, which you can do any time day or night, wherever you may be.
Here is the 2nd Surrender Exercise I invite you to practice -- what I call the John Travolta Surrender Dance (from his famous disco scene in the movie Saturday Night Fever).
Now think of something uncomfortable. I want you to imagine Creator Source to your Right and above you. Offer the discomfort with your right hand to Creator Source and say – “Here, God” or “Here Goddess” or “Here Universe” or whatever name you choose to call it. Imagine that Creator Source has now taken the discomfort off your hands.
Next I want you to imagine Creator Source to your Left and above you. Offer the discomfort with your left hand to Creator Source and say – “Here, God” “Here Goddess” “Here Universe” or whatever name you choose to call it. Imagine that Creator Source has now taken the discomfort off your hands again.
Finally, imagine you have released the discomfort to Creator Source by saying the words “I’m staying alive.”*
A 2nd piece of Gold Light Wisdom is Unconditional Love of self and others.
When a child was born into Lemuria, she or he was united with all others in local and global communities to experience unconditional love of self and others through the Sacred Becoming Ritual using Gold Light. Gold Light is the most powerful, transformational light in the Universe.
I will now guide you through your own Sacred Becoming Ritual.
Make sure you won’t be disturbed for 15 minutes. Loosen tight clothing, remove jewelry and shoes.
Is everyone comfortable? Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Relax into your body.
Imagine that you are lying on a clearing of soft sweet grass with lush foliage all around. The bright green leaves shimmer in the sunlight. You can hear birds singing in the trees. The azure sky above you is awash with clouds like cotton candy. You feel warm, comforted and safely embraced by nature.
Take another deep breath and exhale. Sigh if you need to. Breathe deeply into your solar plexus and pull the breath up into your heart like an ocean of love. In the distance you can hear the sounds of a waterfall gurgling over rocks down to a clear pool at the bottom.
As you take another breath, the aroma of fragrant flowers tickles your nose. They smell perfumed and familiar. You hear the sound of drums and flutes gently wafting in the breeze. You become aware that the sound is slowly moving towards you. The music fills you with joy and recognition. It’s your Lemurian brothers and sisters coming to visit you. You clearly hear their melodious voices singing a harmonious song, one that you had forgotten but now remember.
As you lie in the clearing, eyes closed, breathing calmly, you feel them approach quietly and gently, serenely singing their song to you. They form a circle around you. One of the people places a beautifully faceted crystal on your solar plexus, deepening your connection to the group.
You open your eyes and observe them performing a slow delicate whirling dance, and you begin to feel lighter and happier than you have ever known before. As they sing and dance around you, you notice that each body is filled with and surrounded by a dazzling yet tranquil golden light. The light from each body extends to all the others until you are surrounded by and floating in their warm golden glow.
A vortex of Golden Light Energy swirls, encircling you and your group with powerful emanations. The top of your head vibrates and you sense a spiral of golden light enter your head from above. Your feet tingle, connecting you with the earth beneath you. Each of your sacred centers – the top of your head, center of your forehead, throat, heart, solar plexus, lower abdomen, genitals, and base of your spine begin to vibrate, glow and swirl like pinwheels of light.
The pinwheels swirl faster and glow brighter and you become even more aware of the motion in your body. You feel your body connected to the Earth beneath you and to the stars in the heavens above you. You sigh in contentment.
You feel the Golden Light of joy, harmony, and oneness bathe your glands and organs. Engulf your brain. Circulate in your blood. Fuse into your bones and flesh. Each of your individual cells is glowing and pulsing with Gold Light. You feel all problems melt away in the warmth of the Gold Light. You feel and see the connection of the Gold Light above you, your crystalline light body, and those of your family, singing and dancing around you…the Oneness of All.
You sense your cellular structure transforming, along with your DNA, becoming more of who you are. Becoming the person you’ve always known you were meant to be: brighter, happier, content and at peace.
You are filled with excitement because now you are Home. Welcome home.
Take a deep, slow breath and exhale. Relax. Open your eyes. Feel your feet on the floor and your body seated in your chair. Stretch and come back to present time. Take one more deep breath all the way in, breathe out slowly until all the air is exhaled.
Now is the time to convene for a ritual group mediation at Mt. Shasta.
Years ago I used to lead a weekly group meditation to Mt. Shasta. We didn’t go there in person – we traveled in our ethereal soul bodies, which Lemurians are adept at doing. Here is the actual image of Mt. Shasta as seen from a distance so you know where we are going. Mt. Shasta is a holy mountain, one of a few remnants of Lemuria. Some say Lemurians live inside that mountain.
This ritual contains an experience of group unity, another piece of Gold Light Wisdom, along with trust.
Since this is the first time you are participating in this ritual, you may worry that you “aren’t doing it right:” concerned you might not see or feel anything. You might get confused or overwhelmed.
Relax. There is no right or wrong way to do this exercise. Simply and gently open yourself up to whatever you experience – which will be perfect for you today. I encourage you to MAKE IT UP if you’re not certain. This means you are inviting your Higher Self to bring new experiences and all you have to do is be willing to receive it – which is trust.
So… get comfortable in your chair. Close your eyes and slowly take a deep breath and exhale. Do this three times. [PAUSE]
Now take your logical mind and place it next to you. You won’t need your logical mind for this exercise. You can pick it up when we’re done.
Next remember the image of Mt. Shasta you saw on your screen. Say to yourself: “I’m going to Mt. Shasta and I will meet other Lemurian friends there.” Then relax even more.
Imagine that your spiritual body is journeying to Mt. Shasta. As you arrive, you notice there are other people there as well. Lauren and Steve are both there. You can greet them, smile, hug if you want to do so. Feel the unified feeling of oneness you are experiencing there with them. You may feel sensations: vibrating, and tingling in your heart area, on the top of your head, elsewhere in your body or other chakras. Some of what you feel may seem new or different to you. Relax. Everything is perfect.
I want you to form a circle and join hands with the others. Feel other hands holding your hands. You may feel more sensations. You may have visuals of the people. You may hear talking. You may hear whispering or laughing. You may smell or taste impressions. Any and all of these sensations and experiences are normal. Trust. Be open to whatever comes to you. This is Creator Source’s gift to you. Feel free to MAKE IT UP.
This is your family. Discern individuals if you can. If not, MAKE THEM UP. Whatever you make up will be perfect for you. Imagination is part of and connected to your Higher Self.
Suddenly you hear singing. You feel like dancing. So go ahead. Sing. Dance. Your Lemurian family is there to play with you.
You may want to have a banquet with your new Lemurian friends, to celebrate your homecoming. Imagine a feast set out on beautiful tables with flowers. Taste the food. Share with others. Imagine your delight and happiness. All this may take place quickly, even instantly. You and the others are in your soul bodies which are capable of anything at the speed of thought.
You see a person there who seems familiar to you. Go to that person now. Tell that person what you feel about him or her. Listen – is that person talking to you? What is that person saying?
After a while, you realize it is time to leave, to return to your physical body in your separate home. You will remember this experience forever. When you attend other Lemurian classes, we will end with this same ritual experience. I invite you to come back often. You are now connected to these other Lemurians and they are connected to you. You are no longer alone. You are part of a growing community of people unified in love, peace and happiness, no longer separate, no longer lonely, no longer divisive. With every passing day, this unconditional love and unification grows in strength and numbers. You can pass on that love and unity to others, even if they didn’t join you in this class. On this planet we are all connected as one heart.
In a flash you are back in your physical body in your physical home. With a deep breath and a lingering sigh, you thank yourself for your experience. You thank others who attended. You smile remembering your experiences. Now open your eyes and put your logical mind back in place. Feel your feet on the floor and your body seated in your chair. Stretch and come back to present time.
I invite you to share your experiences with me and with members of the group from this class. I also invite you to share any experiences you had regarding the practices and meditations. At the bottom of your screen you’ll see a tab that says CHAT. Click on it which will take you to a place you can type in your message. Feel free to share whatever you like and your name too if you wish. You can also add your email address. We will linger so everyone gets a chance to share. Steve and Lauren can share too. You will be sent a new Zoom invitation each week.
Here’s a link to my FB page. Feel free to share your experiences here on the FB page as well.
When we are finished, we will say our goodbyes to the others of our group.
I welcome you to return every week to learn and join with me and others. Feel free to share with your friends and others you think will be interested.
We hope you found this class valuable, interesting and fun!
Here is the PayPal information ( to compensate for your class based on the 3 questions:
What was this worth to you?
What can you afford?
What will you give me?
Blessings and love. See you next week!!
*Words from the BeeGees